Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Challenge... to add to other challenges...

Yes, that's right. I'm piling more on myself :)
Going thru pictures of past years, I have noticed I have hardly any pictures for the last year and a half. That NEEDS to change. I figured November would be a good month to challenge myself and hopefully it will carry over... FOREVER. I have a lot of great things going on next month but actually starting this weekend - Moving! And Halloween.
My November activities include: The Jazz/Golden State game on the 5th, Utah home visit (SO EXCITED!) Nov 18 - 21, and Thanksgiving immediately followed by Black Friday. All of these things I am SO excited for. I have to remember to bust out the camera and not be afraid of being the girl that's always taking pictures. This is how memories are made and people are remembered. I also don't know how long I'll be in CA, so I need to document my time here and all the wonderful people I've gotten to meet so far!
I think it's so fun to go thru old pictures and reminisce about those people and the great times that were had.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Can You Do In 30 Days?

I’ve been wanting to join a gym since I got out to California. I never thought I’d say that I miss going to the gym. But I do.
I’ve done a five day pass to the UFC in Concord. It was nice but you had to pay extra for some of the cooler classes and the general population classes didn’t have the weight lifting classes I like. And then it just turned out to be a little bit too expensive. There was a cheaper plan where I could have access to the gym four days a week and I had to two options of days to choose from: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Welllll… I’m not going on a Sunday, so that cuts both options to three days a week. And it was $35/month. Pass.
I almost joined 24 Hour Fitness but while waiting in line to get to a sales rep, I left. I had been waiting for 40 minutes and there was still one more person in front of me. I haven’t been back.
Then while applying for new jobs (long story), I heard of this gym called In-Shape and a corporate membership is only $19.50. My current job doesn’t do gym reimbursements but I thought it sounded cheap, so I printed off a 7 day pass that included first day incentives to sign up. I made my way over to this gym in Concord about 6:15 pm and parking was HORRIBLE. I ended up parking behind the gym but the “Concord Centre”. I don’t know if this “Centre” was homeless type shelter or low-income serving. It made me nervous. I go in, meet with the manager, take a tour and he sits me down to talk prices. It’s $50/month. SHOCK. No way. But he tells me if I sign up today, no enrollment fee, no processing fee, November would be free and only $30 due today. I also have 30 days to cancel. 30 days you say? And I could also be reimbursed my $30 if I cancel? OK! So basically I joined for free for 30 days. There is no way I’m going to pay $50/month for access to only one gym that isn’t even that close to where I live. I was paying $22/month at Gold Gym in Utah. I know it’s California but SERIOUSLY?
So what can I do in thirty days? If I really push myself to go to the gym five days a week, how could my body and my health change? We shall see! I did 35 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and I eeked out 7 minutes on the stairclimber. Thursday is my free personal training session – BAHHHHH!
So my challenge to you is – what can you do in 30 days? It doesn’t have to be fitness related. It could be to clean out your garage, to develop a skill, to read that book you’ve been trying to read for the past three months (that’s my issue)… your possibilities are endless!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is this thing working?

So last week was a baaaaaaaad week. Not once did I exercise. I ate like crap. Seriously. C-R-A-P. I did get all my water in and kept up on my fruit intake - still struggling with the veggie intake. I took my vitamins Monday through Friday.
Needless to say, I wanted to skip my weekly weigh-in. I knew that I probably gained my 2.5 pounds back. So Monday morning, I did not pull out the scale. But this morning (Tuesday) morning, my curiosity got the best of me. I hesitantly pulled out the scale, tapped it on and stepped on it (made sure to NOT hold my breath). Drumroll please....... I lost a pound.

Uh, excuse me? How? Is this thing already broken?

These multivitamins must be some miracle. And the water at work must have special weight-loss power.
Here is what I do know: I'm determined to be back on track this week! If I can lose a pound doing NOTHING, then imagine what could happen if I worked out 5x this week and ate really well? Yesterday went well with eating and I had all my water done BEFORE I left work. I just gotta get the veggies down...
After this morning's weigh in, it brings my grand total to: 3.5 pounds. Doesn't sound like a whole lot, but a pound a week is good!!