Challenge #1: No sugar week.
Oh boy. I'm not looking forward to this! Myself and six other girlfriends are completing this challenge together. We start Monday and will end next Sunday night with ice cream sundaes (because what better way to celebrate your no sugarness with lots of sugar?). Here's the catch: if we cheat, we have to buy someone else in the group a pair of shoes. I sure hope someone cheats and draws my name out of the jar - I'd like some new flat boots!! So, stay away from me on Wednesday - that'll be my battitude day! (bad + attitude = battitude). We may continue this on and come up with even greater rewards than an ice cream sundae at the end of our challenge (ie girls night in Park City).
Challenge #2: Limit spending
I know that is a problem of mine. It's been a problem for awhile. I wish money grew on trees. But sadly, it doesn't. This week the only things I can spend money are a) gas b) birthday gifts for our family birthday party next Sunday and c) I can only eat out ONCE this week. Can I do it? I sure hope so!
Challenge #3: 5x this week @ the gym
I did four last week. I know that I can get that fifth day in. I have a schedule all worked out and I'm pumped! I have really come to enjoy my kickboxing class that is Tuesdays and Thursdays. I want to squeeze in a spinning/cycling class once a week too *cough Jason cough*.
I thought about one more like making my bed every morning... but lets be honest. That won't happen. Sorry Mom.
Next Sunday, I'll let you know how the challenge week went! Wish me luck!