Friday, November 11, 2011

Long Awaited

Finally.... my dreams have come true!

Is here in Utah for my shopping pleasure

Two of the many hundreds of excited people for the H&M exclusive party for their opening in Fashion Place Mall in Murray, UT!

I've waited for this ever since I discovered my love for H&M when I was 21. The first one I ever went to was in the Sun Valley Mall in Concord, CA. We've had a long love affair that withstood time and hundreds of dollars.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NBA Pro Charity Game

Last night my friend Lauren and I went to the NBA Pro Charity game that was held at the SLCC Taylorsville campus. Featured players were most of the Jazz team (with the exception of AK and Okur), Stephen Curry, Chauncy Billups, Jimmer Ferdette, Wesley Matthews and more. Paul Milsap's little brother that plays college ball was also there. You can totally tell they are family!

The game was a lot of fun! You could tell the players were having a good time. At half time, the Special Olympics teams came out and played two 5-minute halfs. They all got to high-five the pro players and it's probably a highlight in their life. Heck, it'd be a highlight in my life too! But it was very heartfelt watching them interact. The last three or four minutes of the game turned into a dunking contest. It was really fun to watch them show off.

After the game, the players stayed out, signing autographs and talking to the press. But one player really stood out to me - Stephen Curry. He gave away his shoes, jersey and towel. He took his time signing autographs and posing in pictures. His attention was on the fans for the entire 10 or so minutes we stayed after the game. I never saw him talk to the press or go talk to the other players. I think that is very admirable of a professional athlete to take the time to do such things, especially in a city that he doesn't play for. These are the types of things you hardly ever see and things that are not noted in the media. Way to go Stephen - you've earned my respect and a new fan!

Me and Lauren.... Poor lighting :)

Look who we found in the row behind us! Dave and Shonte.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Place I Once Called Home

As it is raining outside, the temperatures are dropping, and the snow will soon start falling, I find myself remincising about my short 10 months in California. It seemed like 10 years to me. But after you take the bad out (my job, the expensive of living there), I loved my time in California. I met so many wonderful people who changed my life for the better in so many different way. I got to be around my sister and her family a lot, creating memories that will last forever. There were many struggles but the good times far outweigh the bad. I thought I would share a few pictures....

Muir Wood National Monument - absolutely beautiful

Winchester Mystery House - not spooky, just very interesting

Just some of the wonderful friends I made
(and to think... at a point, I thought I would never make friends)

Shinehah and I - just bein' our gansta selfs (in Angela's apartment)

This picture really shows off my studio apartment. I took the picture reflecting off a full length mirror on the door of my closet. This was New Years Eve and I was getting ready to go out. I LOVED this apartment.

Thanksgiving dinner. What a change to have it be so small. But a nice change.

My werewolf cupcake. We made these for a RS activity in October.

These kids have my heart

Especially this one

Often time I wonder what would have happened if I stayed longer, if I had accepted the other job at Union Bank, if I had accepted the interview with the PAC-12, if I hadn't flirted with Matt Wiley in front of Brett West that one night... What would have happened if I didn't choose to move to California? I wouldn't have gotten to experience so many life lessons as I did. I wouldn't have met so many great people. I would not have gotten to build the wonderful relationship I did with Mindy and Chris. I wouldn't have struggled so much with my testimony and faith but would have missed out on one of the biggest growing points of my life so far.

Almost a year later...

I am finally blogging about having my two nieces and nephew over last December to decorate Christmas cookies at my apartment. But hey - better late than never, right? I didn't have a lot of space in my studio apartment but I think they had a good time!


The countdown(s) udpates:

Cruise: 37 days

H&M opens: 7 days

Get to leave work on a Friday afternoon: 4 hours

None of these things can come fast enough!