With roommates, there are things they do that irritate you to no end. They don't know that they do it but you don't tell them because it's not that important in the scheme of things.
Here is one of my roommate pet peeves: Not turning off the lights.
It's simple - if you're not in the room, turn off the light.
If the light is on and no one is in the room, then we are wasting electricity which equals to wasting money. Not to mention our light bulbs will burn out faster.
Bottom Line: Turn off the lights.
1 comment:
Hey, you are alive in the blogging world! Not that I have room to talk. I don't even have a blog. I should blog about my passing gas experiences like when me and Shonte were in Barnes and Noble and it was quiet as a mouse until I ripped one and it sounded like a dictionary dropped from the top shelf. That was.......awesome.
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