Tuesday, March 16, 2010

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, What does that mean to me?

Today someone at work disrespected me. He raised his voice and talked down to me. I didn't like that.
I talked to my boss and his boss about the incident. My boss is the president of the Bank that I work for and is really nice to everyone. He told me that he tries to treat everyone with respect, whether it is someone that he works with or someone in his neighborhood. And that got me to start thinking "Do I respect everyone I come in contact with?"
I think that I am a nice person. I try to be pleasant and polite. But sometimes there are those individuals that you run across that really test you, those ones that irritate you. The person who is driving 35 mph in a 50 mph zone and there is no way to get around them. The person who get in the Express lane at Walmart with obviously more than 10 items. The arrogant co-worker who thinks that you are beneath him.
I pride myself in getting along with everyone that I work with and being able to work with a lot of different personalities. I feel that working in the administrative field, it's important to get along with those that you support for a more productive, friendly environment. When you don't get along with those who you work with, it makes going to work dreadful.
When individuals that you work with, that are in your church group, or maybe even people you live with are disrespectful to you, it makes you want to show them the same thing. Everyone wants to be respected though. Everyone has something good to give.
The bottom line I have come to is simple. It's something I always heard growing up: Treat others how you want to be treated. Even if they don't show you respect, it's still important to show them respect.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For me? Not so much. For you? Maybe.

So I went out on a limb... I tried something and learned it's not for me.
I created a profile on a LDS internet dating website.
Now this isn't something that I like to admit... But I want to people to know that I am trying.
It's been a full eight days. But today I deleted my profile. I will no longer particpate in internet dating.
Here's the story: I've had two really good friends meet and marry guys they have met off the internet. I've always said "No way, no how". Then someone close to me brought it up last week as an option. I've been really frustrated, dating wise, and I thought "what is there to lose?"... so I signed up on ldslinkup.com. My friend Jenny used this website and always going on dates with guys she met on here. Even though I was still hesitant when I set up my profile, I knew that it couldn't hurt me. They couldn't stalk me. Right?
Here's the experience: It's awkward. These poor boys are trying to send you clever messages. I started off by responding to about 90% of the boys who wrote me. But as the days have wore on, I started responding less and less. There is something about trying to get to know someone you've never seen over email that just is fake to me. I got tired of explaining what I do for a living and what I like. I did give a few boys my phone number. All of them have text me but slowly it started to turn creepy. Texting me everyday. Texting me multiple times if I didn't respond. Uh.... yeah. Then there were some boys online, that if I didn't respond to their message they wrote me, they'd write something along the lines of "Why don't you respond :(".... I even had one guy offer to call me and sing me a song he wrote. I haven't been able to bring myself to meet any of the guys I have given my phone number to.
I did end up meeting a boy that is in my ward. We got to talking and he said he would have never had the courage to come talk to me. This perplexed me and I asked why. Here is his response: I get nervous. I don't like just going up to girls in singles wards and start talking to them - I don't want to come off desperate or anything like that". DUH TODD! That's what singles wards are for. Outside of Utah, this is how LDS single people meet.
Call me old fashioned, but I want a guy to be able to start a conversation with me face to face. I feel that my generation has become too lazy when it comes to meeting people. Man up and talk to a few girls/boys.
So in the end, it just got to be too creepy for me. People have been meeting each other face to face for years and years without the help of any internet technology. I tried. And now I'll pass.
I feel that if a boy doesn't have the courage to talk to me, then he won't have the courage to do a lot of nerve-wracking things in life (uh hello, you're eventually going to have to ask my dad for permission to marry me.... now that's gotta be nerve-wracking!). Stop being a wuss!
So to those who read this and know me: Feel free to set me up. You know my standards - and if you don't, ask. While blind dates are not my favorite, I will gladly go.
Bottom Line: Internet dating is not for me.