Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Ma

Ok, so she hates that nickname. But that's what makes it so great!

As today is Mother's Day and I just got home from celebrating with her, I wanted to publicly express my love for her! She doesn't even realize how amazing she is. Her unconditional love and support has been evident throughout my life. I think back to how she took care of her family when we were younger and now how she takes care of her family now that we are older and have families of our own (well, not all of us - ha ha) and how her love shines through for each of us.

Here are just a few of the MANY talents and qualities she has:
  • Playing the piano. She taught piano lessons when us kids were younger and each of us took lessons from her. She used to play all the time for ward choirs and special musical numbers.
  • She rocks on the sewing machine. Seriously. She made a lot of our clothes when we were younger and now she makes all kind of things for my nieces and nephews and super cute wall hangings and crafts.
  • She is very patient (a quality that I fall very short with). I'm sure it wasn't easy raising 6 kids and all the personalities that came with it. My mom has never raised her voice with me.
  • She makes sure that I know that I am loved by all the wonderful things she does for me (thanks for the frozen enchiladas last week - YUM!) and how often she tells me

I love you, Mom!

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