There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day One
It wasn't too bad. There were cookies out on the counter this morning and I wanted one but I resisted. Go me! There are still some Sour Patch Jolly Rancher gummies that I got at the movie last night that I need to chuck. I don't want any temptation near me if I have anything to do about it! Rachael and I went to the H-4 dessert social tonight and they had brownies and rice krispy treats and sugar-filled juice but I had none! For breakfast I had yogurt. Then after church I had a Healthy Choice dinner. Then at 3 pm I had an orange. At 7 pm, I had chicken and tomoatoes (not my choice, I went to a goodbye dinner party) and a breadstick and then at 9 pm, I had half of a green pepper and another yogurt. I still really want one of those cookies.
From what I've heard, day two and three are the worst. Mindy said you get the "shakes"! Nuts. Tomorrow will be difficult because there is an ample candy supply at work and we have a birthday celebration. The person whose birthday it is, he's a pretty healthy person. So maybe he'll pick fruit for his treat. I can only hope.
When Rachael and I were talking about our sugar intake, I realize that there probably hasn't been a day that goes by that I haven't had some sort of processed sugar. That's scary. Sugar is like my crack. I have to go through the mental and physically withdrawls!
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Spoonful of Sugar...

Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Little Taste of Paradise
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
One week!
Nothing but beach and sun for four days - who wouldn't love that?

There are nifty little pools to wash the sand off your feet for when you leave the beach area
Look at that view - gorgeous! And I might be tempted to take home some of the room decor...
I have things planned every day until my trip to help these last few days fly... Tonight is kickboxing and The Biggest Loser. Wednesday I'm going to the Food Bank to volunteer. Thursday is kickboxing and Southland (awesome new TV drama!). Friday night is a get together with some of my high school buddies. Saturday is my wax appointment and going shopping for the little items I still need. Sunday is Mothers Day -woo hoo! A home cooked meal always is good. Monday night is pedicures and packing! I wish that there was a bootcamp class fixed in there somewhere to kick my butt one last time before I go - here's to wishing!