I've always known that I can accomplish something if I really try. Sometimes I put goal off or slack off because of procrastination (aka being lazy). But now I have a new goal - no sugar for a week. Pick your jaw up off the floor. I've always wanted to try this but never thought I had the willpower to do so. My inspiration to do this is because of things my siblings have done in the past. My brother Greg had a goal to go without TV for awhile. I know he reached his set goal (it was one month, I believe) and I think he is surpassing it. I know that when Mindy lived back in California, she and Laurie Goff set a goal of no sugar for awhile. I think that they actually made it! And most recently, Sandy's latest blog post about running. I have accomplished goals that were difficult too - like graduating college! It took me awhile but hey, I finished!
This is something that I think will be very difficult. I've never tried this before! But just so we are clear on what Holly is NOT eating - processed sugar. Candy, cake, brownies, soda, etc. I will still be having fruit and the SMALL amounts of sugar found in things like my oatmeal (Weight Control oatmeal , 2 grams of sugar per packet) and my Healthy Choice dinners. Keep those frosted brownies and delicious doughnuts away from me!
I figure the more people I tell, the more people will ask how I am doing and encourage me to keep on the right track. A week doesn't seem like that long but I know it will feel like forever! I hope that this will get the sugar crave out of my system somewhat. I know that in order to get fit and stay healthy, this is something I need to cut back on!

Good goal! Maybe I should start trying that since I'm a diabetic. I wonder if you can use Splenda. I'm sure that Grandma Nelson has a ton of Equal packets from all the times Grandpa kept taking it from restaurants. Good luck!! I know that they make sugar-free EVO and Korver would be happy that you had some. One thing that I found out the helps is eating almonds when you get a craving. They give you protein and fiber to fill you up and give you energy.
Is that Bubby who just posted? Good luck Pony!! I WILL NOT buy you any processed sugar for when you watch the dogs. So much for Diet Coke and pudding pops. Oh WAIT~ Diet Coke has no sugar. SCORE!
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