Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nothing depresses me more than....

a) stepping on a weight scale and b) going shopping for jeans.
What happened to the good days where I could literally eat anything I wanted and not gain a thing? Those days are over. Long over.
I stepped on the scale this morning. Not a good way to start my day.
After stuffing myself with a package of chocolate covered gummie bears and two mini bags of Cadbury Mini Eggs (because it was THAT week) last week, I decided it's time to put my foot down.
I need to learn better about saying "no" and learning to get some willpower. How many times do you think "I'll burn this off tonight at the gym" and then you don't go to the gym that night? Or you think "Dang it, I DESERVE this!" when you should be rewarding yourself in other ways?
I am saying "no" to mindless eating.... to thinking "one more won't hurt"..... to talking myself out of working out.
I need to do a serious shift in the way I eat. Because I can sweat, lift and run all I want but if I'm not eating right it won't do any good.
I know that I am not a person with a lot of weight to lose. But I need to lose some. And the only way that will happen is if I put the work in - at the gym and by what I eat.
My goal is to lose 10 pounds by the time I can start using my Seven Peaks Salt Lake pass - which is Memorial Day weekend. Two months.
I CAN do it. I WILL do it. The healthy, old-fashioned way.


Lauren said...

We can do it together. I think you put into words my problem.

Anonymous said...

i'm telling you... has AWESOME recipes. and they are so healthy for you. i'm currently addicted to steamed veggies. nerdy, yes. my problem is carbs. i love carbs. carbs love me. but like my friend zuzanna says, i have to earn my carbs. you can come over and eat ANYTIME when you finally get back to Utard. i mean come on, i will only live like 4 minutes away. do it. you know you want to.