Wow, it's been a few weeks since I last posted! Where do I start...

For the next few weeks I get to dogsit for Sandy while is off in dreadful Hawaii. I have two new temporary roommates who will wake me in the wee hours of the morning having to use the restroom and wanting to be fed. They will shed all over my clothes causing me to probably use my whole lint roller during the stay. And lastly, they will lick their own behinds. But you know what? These roommates won't leave dishes behind, bring stupid boys over or forget to the door/turn off lights!
I made the big chop. I cut about four or five inches off my hair... It was a change that I had been thinking about for months but just really never had the guts to do. Well, when I was talking to my hairdresser, Linsey, about what toying with the idea of going shorter, to my surprise I blurted out "Just do it!". While she was cutting it, I immediately regretted it. {Sigh}. It's only hair, right? It'll grow back..... right? While my styling time is cut down by a measly ten minutes, it is easier to handle. Now this next time around with Linsey, I'm focused on going back to blonde :)
I thought I noticed something different last night when we were at Dad's. Doesn't look bad at all. I know how you feel with the dogs. Yesterday I had to get up at 5 am to take Scooter out to the bathroom. At least she goes quickly and no one is around so no leash required.
My dogs better not bring boys home! And you know they lick you after they lick their behinds... ha ha. And THANK GOODNESS for doggie doors at Ben's house!!!
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