There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.
Monday, June 22, 2009
It's Your Choice
Friday, June 19, 2009

For the next few weeks I get to dogsit for Sandy while is off in dreadful Hawaii. I have two new temporary roommates who will wake me in the wee hours of the morning having to use the restroom and wanting to be fed. They will shed all over my clothes causing me to probably use my whole lint roller during the stay. And lastly, they will lick their own behinds. But you know what? These roommates won't leave dishes behind, bring stupid boys over or forget to the door/turn off lights!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Day Five (And other ramblings)
- Today is also national doughnut day. I remember this day last year. I was working at West Valley Auto Plaza and someone owed me a doughnut for something I had done for him a few weeks prior. Next thing I know he shows up with a glorious doughnut from Schmidts Bakery. This was the biggest doughnut I had ever seen - and it was filled with delicious Bevarian cream. I had to eat it in two shifts. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
- My first merit review is coming up in July at Sallie Mae Bank. My boss gave me the paperwork to fill out yesterday. I must admit, I was a wee nervous about this whole process. But I'm doing better today! At least I'll get some kind of raise with it...
- Trials are the darndest things. One thing right after another. BAM! WHACK! SUCKER PUNCH! But the few things that have happened over the last few days have made me realize some important concepts and try to correct some bad habits. Sometimes I wish the Lord would send me an email or float a note down from heaven saying "Holly, here are the few things I need you to work on... ". You know, constructive critisim. But that would be too easy. We were never told it would be easy, only that it would be worth it.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Day Four
Day four was not too bad. I was in a better mood, so that made the day easier! I thought maybe I could breathe easy without any temptations today but the temptations found me. I went to a RS book club in my complex last night with Rachael and of course - they had delicious treats there! They had popcorn w/ olive oil, home-made peanut butter Chex mix and and home-made pumpkin chocolate chips cookies. My mouth is watering just typing this! I stuck to the popcorn. I didn't know if that Chex mix had any sugar in or not! But those cookies looked so good...
Someone at work was telling me about this guy (on a reality TV show) LOVED chocolate. The nutritionist/trainer that he was working with told him to eat nothing but chocolate for two days. The only other thing he could have is water... Well, after two days, the guy was official off of chocolate. I thought maybe I should try that with doughnuts. Mmmmm... doughnuts. But then I thought of how UNHEALTHY that would be! Plus, I don't want to ruin that bond that doughnuts and I share.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Day Three
The craving for sugar wasn't as intense as I thought it would be. Sure, when I was at the movie I wanted some candy. Or when I was at my mom's house, there were fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. When I asked her who made them she said "Oh help yourse - oh wait, DON'T help yourself!". Thanks Mom for helping me stay on track!
After the movie, Rachael and I were starving but seeing how it was 11 pm, we didn't have a lot of choices. We ended up at the McDonalds drive thru (because I can't stand Burger King or Taco Bell and I don't know where a Wendy's close to my house is) and I got a Happy Meal. I forgot that it comes with a drink, so I ordered a Sprite and promptly threw it away when I got home. If I was going to slip up, it wouldn't be on something as insignificant as a Sprite! I'd chow down on a big brownie from Kneaders... Yummmmmmm.... Kneaders....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
No Bueno
Monday, June 1, 2009
Day Two
After I get back to work from my lunch break, I like to have a piece of candy from the bowl in someone's office. Not today. I really wanted one but resisted!
It was someones birthday celebration today at work. I was really relieved when he said he wanted some fruit! So when I went to Harmon's to pick it out - I picked out some really good looking fruit - strawberries, kiwis, blackberries, blueberries, cantalope and honey dew. It was all so good!
For dinner, I had some Subway. When I was at the register paying, I saw all those yummy cookies. They were calling my name... I instead opted to get some Baked Lays.
Two days down, five days to go. I don't have the shakes yet but there is always tomorrow! Someone at work also told me that after day three, it's a breeze. So I just gotta get through tomorow!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day One
It wasn't too bad. There were cookies out on the counter this morning and I wanted one but I resisted. Go me! There are still some Sour Patch Jolly Rancher gummies that I got at the movie last night that I need to chuck. I don't want any temptation near me if I have anything to do about it! Rachael and I went to the H-4 dessert social tonight and they had brownies and rice krispy treats and sugar-filled juice but I had none! For breakfast I had yogurt. Then after church I had a Healthy Choice dinner. Then at 3 pm I had an orange. At 7 pm, I had chicken and tomoatoes (not my choice, I went to a goodbye dinner party) and a breadstick and then at 9 pm, I had half of a green pepper and another yogurt. I still really want one of those cookies.
From what I've heard, day two and three are the worst. Mindy said you get the "shakes"! Nuts. Tomorrow will be difficult because there is an ample candy supply at work and we have a birthday celebration. The person whose birthday it is, he's a pretty healthy person. So maybe he'll pick fruit for his treat. I can only hope.
When Rachael and I were talking about our sugar intake, I realize that there probably hasn't been a day that goes by that I haven't had some sort of processed sugar. That's scary. Sugar is like my crack. I have to go through the mental and physically withdrawls!
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Spoonful of Sugar...

Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Little Taste of Paradise
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
One week!
Nothing but beach and sun for four days - who wouldn't love that?

There are nifty little pools to wash the sand off your feet for when you leave the beach area
Look at that view - gorgeous! And I might be tempted to take home some of the room decor...
I have things planned every day until my trip to help these last few days fly... Tonight is kickboxing and The Biggest Loser. Wednesday I'm going to the Food Bank to volunteer. Thursday is kickboxing and Southland (awesome new TV drama!). Friday night is a get together with some of my high school buddies. Saturday is my wax appointment and going shopping for the little items I still need. Sunday is Mothers Day -woo hoo! A home cooked meal always is good. Monday night is pedicures and packing! I wish that there was a bootcamp class fixed in there somewhere to kick my butt one last time before I go - here's to wishing!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Are you kidding me?!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A Quarter Century

Graduating! This was the most challenging thing I've ever had to do... Not just scholastically but mentally as well. I wanted to give up so many times!
My family was there for me a lot during this year. Whether it was a shoulder to cry on, moving into a new place or just hanging out with, I know I can always count on them!
(Sorry to the family members not pictured!)
To those who know this story, it may not seem like this was a joyous time for me (we ran out of gas on I-80 between Tooele and Wendover). But this experience taught me a lot! First, always be prepared with an extra gas can on a road trip, second, there are still good samaritans out there and lastly, when you're with a carful of boys and one of them says to "man up" and see if the driver can make it to the next gas station that is 90 miles away with the gas light on, tell them they're dumb boys and need to get gas.
Last but certainly not least, I became friends with this girl! Jenny! I know this isn't a great picture but it's the only one where its just us two! Making new friends is hard but we became roommates and fast friends.
I wonder what age 25 will bring me... How many heartbreaks, trials, conquering fears and pee-your-pants laughing moments?
I know that at least it will take me to Cancun! Woo hoo!